Unterschiede zwischen den Revisionen 2 und 5 (über 3 Versionen hinweg)
Revision 2 vom 2009-08-07 09:46:39
Größe: 4662
Revision 5 vom 2009-08-13 11:11:29
Größe: 4188
Autor: InaHoegler
Gelöschter Text ist auf diese Art markiert. Hinzugefügter Text ist auf diese Art markiert.
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
= Überblick = = Overview =
Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
=== WAS: NCC09 - Netart Community Convention 2009 === === WHAT: NCC09 - Netart Community Convention 2009 ===
Zeile 8: Zeile 8:
=== WANN: 23. bis 29. Nov. 2009 === === WHEN: 23rd to 29th Nov. 2009 ===
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:
=== WO: Graz/Austria === === WHERE: Graz/Austria ===
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
= Intro =
Zeile 14: Zeile 13:
Zum insgesamt 5. mal werden sich Ende November 2009 Künstler_innen im
Rahmen der Netart Community Convention in Graz treffen. Die diesjährige
NCC glieder sich in drei Teile: parallel, seriell und virtuell (siehe
Modus Operandi).
Zeile 19: Zeile 14:
In den letzten Jahren wurde das Web - eine von unzähligen Anwendungen im
Netz - zum Synonym für das Internet schlechthin. Über weite Strecken
haben die Marketingabteilungen die Definitionsmacht übernommen und
packen mehr und mehr bunten Content in die überforderten Browser.
Die/der Userin nimmt ihren/seinen zugewiesenen Platz im Geschehen ein
und füllt die grossen Portale mit Inhalten, um im Gegenzug
Scheinfreiheit zu gewinnen.
Zeile 27: Zeile 15:
Wir stellen diesem Umstand die Behauptung gegenüber, das wir uns im
Zeitalter des Web 0.2 befinden. Von diesem Punkt aus betrachten wir das
Geschehen und begeben uns auf die Suche nach möglichen weiteren
Entwicklungen. Anstatt uns auf der Oberfläche treiben zu lassen,
beginnen wir, die effektiven Produktionsmittel hinter den Kulissen zum
Thema der Auseinadersetzung zu erklären. Anstatt mit Antworten um uns
zu werfen, werden wir versuchen, passende Fragen zu formulieren.
= intro =
Zeile 35: Zeile 17:
= Modus Operandi = Over the past few years the „web“ - one of the countless applications of the internet – grew to the synonym for the world wide web. Marketing departments have taken control over the definition of content (in a broad range) and stuff it with more and more colorful content onto overloaded browsers. The user settles with the given space and fills huge portals with content only to get phony freedom in return.

We oppose this fact with the proposition/allegation that we are located in the web 0.2 age. From this point we are observing the events and start to (re)search further developments. Instead of just floating the surface, we are trying to provide the effective resources from behind and make them the main topic of discussion, reflection and controversy. Instead of throwing around with answers we are trying to formulate appropriate questions.

= operating mode =
Zeile 39: Zeile 27:
Von Montag bis Donnerstag findet die NCC09 an verschiedenen Orten - den
[[Hosts]] - gleichzeitig statt. In dieser Phase hat die NCC09
Laborcharacter. An den [[Hosts]] wird produziert, diskutiert und
experimentiert. Ein-/Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit bleibt den [[Hosts]]
From Monday to Thursday the ncc09 will happen (will take place) at different locations - [[Hosts]] - at the same time. During this first phase the ncc09 will have laboratory style, so the - [[Hosts]] - will be the place for production, debating and experimenting. The in/exclusion of audience remains at the discretion of .the - [[Hosts]] -
Zeile 45: Zeile 29:
=== seriell ===
Zeile 47: Zeile 30:
Freitag und Samstag wechselt der Fokus im Rythmus Vormittag, Nachmittag,
Abend von einem [[Hosts|Host]] zum nächsten. Die Orte, die während der
Parallelphase lokale Fokusierungspunkte waren, werden für einige Stunden
zum Zentrum der NCC09. Alle Teilnehmenden sind eingeladen, sich der
Karawane anzuschliessen.
=== serial ===
Zeile 53: Zeile 32:
Gemeinsames Essen bildet den informellen Rahmen zum Erfahrungs- und
Friday and Saturday the focus of the ncc09 changes so each relocated - [[Host]] - now becomes the center of attention for some time. The rotation of locations will be subdivided into three parts: morning, afternoon, and evening. And all participants are invited to join the caravan and are as well invited to dinner...
Zeile 56: Zeile 34:
=== virtuell ===
Zeile 58: Zeile 35:
Unter dem Begriff "cloud computing" versucht man auffällige
Veränderungen jener Infrastruktur zu fassen, die im Hintergrund heutiger
Web2.0 Anwendungen immer häufiger tatsächliche 'klassische' Server
ersetzen. Die stolze Verfügungsgewalt über Großrechner ("big iron") bzw.
phsykalisch klar greifbarer Server und Cluster von Computern, wie sie
vor einigen Jahren noch dominierend war, verlagert sich -- wenigstens im
Umfeld globaler Informationsanbieter -- zusehends hin zu Schwärmen von
"virtuellen Maschinen", die ausgesprochen flexibel (deshalb auch das
immer wiederkehrende Synonym: "elastic computing") auf verschiedensten
Datacenters der Welt ausgelagert bzw. verteilt werden. Ein
Herangehensweise, die zb. auch eine relativ kurzfristig Aufstockung von
Ressourcen je nach Auslastung od. tageszeitliche Anpassung und globale
Migrationsbewegungen etc. ermöglicht.
=== virtual ===
Zeile 72: Zeile 37:
= Aufruf zur Teilnahme = By the therm „cloud computing“ we are intending to show striking changes of the infrastructure that more and more replaces the common „servers“ in the background of web2.0.
The power over mainframe computers resp. physically touchable servers or clusters of computers, like it has been for years is deflecting. In the surrounding of global information providers this change is noticeable and the drift to outsource to cluster of „virtual machines“, which tend to be very flexible (and this is why its called „elastic computing“), is enormous. So different data centers all over the world replace the common ones. An approach that allows a relative short dated increase of resources depending on workload or daytime adjustment and facilitates global migration of data.
Zeile 74: Zeile 40:
Wir rufen hiermit zu Teilnahme in Form einer der im folgenden beschriebenen Rollen auf. Konkrete Vorschläge und Ideen können ab sofort auf der [[http://lists.mur.at/mailman/listinfo/ncc09|NCC09 Mailingliste]] und/oder hier im Wiki eingebracht werden. Weitere organisatorische und diskursive Dinge werden ebendort abgehandelt. Für Informationen steht weiters [[http://ncc09.mur.at/|http://ncc09.mur.at/]] zur Verfügung.
Zeile 76: Zeile 41:
Teilnehmerinnen bieten wir an, eine oder mehrere der folgenden drei Rollen einzunehmen: === Call4Participation ===
Zeile 78: Zeile 43:
= Rollen = We hereby call for your participation in one of the described roles here. Specific concepts and ideas can from now on be suggested at [[http://lists.mur.at/mailman/listinfo/ncc09|NCC09 Mailingliste]] and/or be brought into debate here on the Wiki. Further organizational and discursive matters will be handled here. For further information, also see [[http://ncc09.mur.at/|http://ncc09.mur.at/]].

Participants are invited to take up one or more of the following positions:

= positions =


WHAT: NCC09 - Netart Community Convention 2009

WHEN: 23rd to 29th Nov. 2009

WHERE: Graz/Austria


Over the past few years the „web“ - one of the countless applications of the internet – grew to the synonym for the world wide web. Marketing departments have taken control over the definition of content (in a broad range) and stuff it with more and more colorful content onto overloaded browsers. The user settles with the given space and fills huge portals with content only to get phony freedom in return.

We oppose this fact with the proposition/allegation that we are located in the web 0.2 age. From this point we are observing the events and start to (re)search further developments. Instead of just floating the surface, we are trying to provide the effective resources from behind and make them the main topic of discussion, reflection and controversy. Instead of throwing around with answers we are trying to formulate appropriate questions.

operating mode


From Monday to Thursday the ncc09 will happen (will take place) at different locations - Hosts - at the same time. During this first phase the ncc09 will have laboratory style, so the - Hosts - will be the place for production, debating and experimenting. The in/exclusion of audience remains at the discretion of .the - Hosts -


Friday and Saturday the focus of the ncc09 changes so each relocated - Host - now becomes the center of attention for some time. The rotation of locations will be subdivided into three parts: morning, afternoon, and evening. And all participants are invited to join the caravan and are as well invited to dinner...


By the therm „cloud computing“ we are intending to show striking changes of the infrastructure that more and more replaces the common „servers“ in the background of web2.0. The power over mainframe computers resp. physically touchable servers or clusters of computers, like it has been for years is deflecting. In the surrounding of global information providers this change is noticeable and the drift to outsource to cluster of „virtual machines“, which tend to be very flexible (and this is why its called „elastic computing“), is enormous. So different data centers all over the world replace the common ones. An approach that allows a relative short dated increase of resources depending on workload or daytime adjustment and facilitates global migration of data.

=== Call4Participation ===

We hereby call for your participation in one of the described roles here. Specific concepts and ideas can from now on be suggested at NCC09 Mailingliste and/or be brought into debate here on the Wiki. Further organizational and discursive matters will be handled here. For further information, also see http://ncc09.mur.at/.

Participants are invited to take up one or more of the following positions:


Host (Wirt_in, Gastgeber_in)

a: one that receives or entertains guests socially, commercially, or officially. b: one that provides facilities for an event or function.1

Artist (Künstler_in)

1 a: obsolete: one skilled or versed in learned arts. 1 b: archaic: physician. 1 c: archaic: artisan. 2 a: one who professes and practices an imaginative art. 2 b: a person skilled in one of the fine arts. 3: a skilled performer; especially: artiste. 4: one who is adept at something.2

Visitor (Besucher_in)

one that visits; especially: one that makes formal visits of inspection.3.

NCC09 - Organisationsteam

ncc09: En/Call4Participation (zuletzt geändert am 2009-11-11 17:44:20 durch JogiHofmueller)