
Workpackage: Satellite Base Infrastracture

This page contains information about the Technical Workpackage Satellite Base Infrastracture

Leader: Christian Pointner <equinox AT mur DOT at>

Base Electronics

Current Schemtic of the satellite bus


Power Management System Sketch

Sketch of power mmanagement syste

Solar Soldering

Soldering the solar panels on the PCB's was one of the great challanges. At least i thougt it would be very tricky, but it turned out that it is actually quite easy. For the purpose we bought the reflow kit together with the controller from The equipment was very useful and made soldering the panels very easy. It will also be very useful for the other PCB's and is for sure a very good investment. The results can be seen on the following picture. showing the first of our solar panel boards:

Solar Panel Soldering

sat: wp/SatelliteBaseInfrastracture (last edited 2012-06-23 13:42:42 by ChristianPointner)