mur.sat Wiki
mur.sat - the satellite.
In 2011 will launch a satellite. Interorbital Systems offers its TubeSat personal satellite kit for aprox. USD 8,600 (launch inclusive). The satellite will occupy a LEO for a couple of weeks before burning in the athmosphere on reentry. This is a SpaceArt project kindly supported by BMUKK.
next meeting
date: wednesday 25th august 2010 time: 17:00 - 19:00 location: office
Observation Network
There will be an ObservationNetwork of people around the world that will follow mur.sat on its mission.
mur.sat logotype idea
This is just a raw sketch. Someone with better skills should take over from here, please
Low Earth Orbit (see e.g. Wikipedia for more).
3~4 min per day visibility from Graz/Austria
website layout example links
usage ideas
- as many sensors as possible ()
- orientation sensor (magnetic field)
- Inertialsensor (movement)
- Photoresistor ???
WebCam without IR filter!
- radio scanner (what do you hear in space?)
- drag an antenna? antenna pole for gradient stabilasation (is this term correct?); exactly orthogonal to receiving direction ...
- place a high power LED on satellite that blinks when orientation towards earth fits so - using long term exposure - one could get a pattern.
- sending/receiving data via website (store and forward) should/will be possible
- place a microphone on the satellite and record sound from space
- place a speaker on the satellite and play sounds that people uploaded
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