##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en #acl JogiHofmueller:read,write,revert,delete All:read == Jogi Hofmueller == {{attachment:jogi.jpg}} Email: <> ==== That's what it's all about ==== The german facebook site reads ''Facebook ermöglicht es dir, mit den Menschen in deinem Leben in Verbindung zu treten und Inhalte mit diesen zu teilen'' while the more humble english version states ''Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life''<>. ''helps'' is funnily translated to ''ermöglicht'' which means ''enables'' or ''allows'' rather than the ''help'' in the english version. Every other translation I could find and understand is more or less correct. So what do they realy think of german speaking people? ==== Style für die Seite umgeschrieben ==== Auf Basis des Mandarin Styles<> hab ich die Seite an die mur.at Farben angepasst. Hoffe das gefällt nicht nur mir ## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank. ## so, comments start with two # ... ## test bild edit ## Dazu fehlt offensichtlich das Plugin von hier: ## http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TWikiDrawPlugin ## {{drawing:einbild}} ---- CategoryHomepage